The USPA Coach Rating could be earned by jumpers with at least 100 jumps and a USPA B license who have completed the USPA Rating Certification Course. Coaches can teach the general sections of the first-jump course and train and supervise students for group skydiving skills on the ground and freefall. The USPA Coach rating course is the first instructional rating offered by USPA and necessary to obtain your AFF instructor and Tandem rating.
This course is an introductory course for all USPA ratings.
Course Duration: 3 days (weather permitting)
Minimum 2 candidates per course, maximum group of 5 candidates.
Reservation: In order to reserve a spot, you need to pay a deposit of 100 €. This deposit is valid for one year and is non-refundable.
Please note that the remaining balance is to be paid in full before the course, in cash or by credit card.
Course price does not include jump tickets for the candidate and instructor.
Course Requirements:
- USPA membership
- Hold a USPA B-license
- Minimum of 100 jumps
Preparation before the course:
- Download the current IRM (Instructional Rating Manual) and SIM (Skydivers Information Manual) from USPA’s Website. Printed copies are also available from the USPA online shop.
- Log in to your profile, under credential/education/view my prereqs for rating course.
- Once you are enrolled in the course, you will be able to access the online coach exam, your score will be stored automatically in the USPA’s database once you’re done and you need a minimum of 80% to be able to attend.
- Assist in a full JFC First Jump Course (AFF, Static line, or IAD), the responsible USPA instructor should verify the pre-requirement by confirming your assistance, using the safety and training “verify” function on their USPA profile.
The course starts with verification of the requirements so bring your USPA membership card and logbook if necessary.
The first-course day is a full day in the classroom. On the other 2 days, we will make the 2 evaluation jumps and the 2 ground preparations.
Requirements to pass the course:
Score satisfactory on a Category G1 and G2 evaluation jump
Score satisfactory on a Category G1 and G2 ground briefing, and on 2 JFC topics
Score at least 80% on the Online Coach Exam
Satisfactory student equipment check
Satisfactory debrief of the jumps
What if the course gets weathered out?
We do our best to reschedule the course while you are still in town. If that is not possible, you will reschedule the course on any available date on our calendar within one year.
Terms & Conditions:
The final decision on your suitability to skydive rests entirely with instructors and you must comply with the skydiving center’s rules at all times.
Giving incorrect personal information when booking may result in you forfeiting all the costs for the course.
Students must accept that all the equipment used to practice skydiving is in perfect conditions of use and properly maintained. Furthermore, they are responsible for the condition of personal equipment and that the personal equipment even being suitably maintained and revised periodically can suffer malfunctions being exposed to extreme conditions.
Students are bound to declare the necessary documents before making skydiving activity, showing sufficient insurance to cover any medical costs and the mandatory Third Party Liability cover. EU members are reminded that European Health Insurance Card may not cover all medical costs and does not cover any long-term medical or repatriation costs.
If you fail to turn up on the day without giving at least 5 days’ notice you will lose your deposit.
Any courses taken with promotional prices must be fully completed to keep the discounted price. If the course is not completed, all jumps will be charged at the normal (higher) costs.
If bad weather prevents you from jumping, a new date can be arranged for mutual convenience. No refunds are offered for not jumping due to bad weather.
If you arrive without the necessary paperwork, you may forfeit your course along with all costs incurred.
Would you like to start coaching and passing the correct knowledge to newer skydivers? Click the button and reserve your spot!
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